Philoptochos Retreat 2017

Philoptochos Retreat 2017

Philoptochos Retreat
Download invitation and more information

Saturday March 11, 2017 – Philoptochos Retreat
Archdiocesan Cathedral of The Holy Trinity319–337 East 74th Street, New York, NY 10022

Retreat Master, Very Reverend Doctor Nathanael Symeonides



8:30AM – 9:30AM.......Divine Liturgy
9:30AM – 10:00AM.....Registration & Breakfast
10:00AM...................Opening Prayer & Introductory Remarks by Fr. Chrysostom Panos
10:45AM...................Presentation by the Very Reverend Father Symeonides
11:30AM...................Group Breakout Sessions
12:00PM...................Group Reports
12:30PM...................General Discussion and Q/A
1:00PM.....................Wrap Up, Closing Prayer & Lunch

Philoptochos and HOPE Project NY

The Direct Archdiocesan District Philoptochos will be providing custom duffel bags for chapters to fill with new items that will be given to victims of trafficking. Chapters may choose to participate in this project with the help of their fellow parishioners.

If you wish to participate please organizeitems in boxes or strong shopping bags an dcome as early as possible to give the District Board time to organize all collected items.


– Our Goal is 100 Filled Duffel Bags –

How to help: 

(Duffel bag list of supplies cost an estimated $250-$300)

1. Donate the entire list of new items to fill as many bags as you wish.

2. Donate financially towards the cost of new items.

3  Create a Hands-On Project within your chapter.

4. Bring items for completed duffel(s)to Retreat March 11.