Lenten Retreat 2020

As a precaution, the 2020 DAD Lenten Retreat is canceled until further notice.


Love Without Borders

Extending our love beyond not just "physical borders,” but "spiritual borders" as well.

Saturday, March 21, 2020
Hosted by The Greek Orthodox Church Of Our Saviour
2195 Westchester Avenue, Rye, New York
10:00AM - 2:00PM

Download Lenten Retreat 2020 Information 

Retreat Leaders

Elizabeth DeBlasi
Director of Occupational Therapy Program, Therapists Beyond Borders
If you would like to donate to the program of our speaker
“Therapists Beyond Borders” please make checks payable to: T. B. B., Inc.

George Hazlaris
Director of Youth & Pastoral Ministries, Greek Orthodox Church of Our Saviour
If you would like to help please bring one size fits all unisex crew socks for
the Homeless Ministry led by our speaker George Hazlaris.

Register for the Retreat

Email RSVP Before March 16